Thursday, February 3, 2011

3 Months Ago

Like everyone else in the world, I really don't know where the time goes anymore. The days run into each other when all you do is sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, you catch my drift. Then again they run into each other if your life is one big ball of excitement too, I suppose. 

Things aren't really moving along like I'd like them to. I have my steady weeks at the gym and my weeks where I don't make it in at all. My meals this week have been delicious and terrible for me. I've had ice cream just about every night for dessert this week because, again, I feel like I have to have something sweet each time I have a meal. Last night was the exception when I had a cup of tea instead of dessert. I really should stick with the tea. 

I was in a car accident with my Dad and sister over the weekend and have been instructed to stay away from the gym this entire week and maybe longer. It's almost laughable right? We were very lucky not to be injured more than we were and I'm thankful for that, but really? I don't need another set-back here!

On the bright side, I'm going to be traveling to Indy at the end of the month to audition for The Biggest Loser and I'm super excited. Do I think I'll actually make the show? Um, YES! We probably won't in real life, but I think I have as good a shot as anyone. I've got a sob story and a good face for it! I'm also sending in a video. I'm also going to do my community's version of the BL as well. It starts next week and goes until mid-April. The person who loses the most amount of weight wins $500, so why not try it. I did it last year and didn't lose a single lb. This year is still different. It's still THE year and it's not too late. I'm not saying my losing weight is dependent on this show or that competition, but it's the magical "m" word that I'm always looking for and would take from any place I can get it. Motivation. 

Oh, one more thing. This is a blog to put all my stuff out there right? Well, I weighed myself 2 weeks ago tomorrow and I was at 296 lbs. That's a gain of 10 lbs since I started this blog which was exactly 3 months ago. I don't see how that could be possible, but there it is. I'm not weighing myself again for a few more weeks at least. I think if I was at or over the 300 mark, I don't even know what I would do or think. 

More to come soon....