Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekend Ruts

It's Monday night and I'm definitely coming off of one of my "eat whatever I see/want" weekends. We had a big, greasy, yummy and late breakfast-for-dinner on Friday night. Saturday I went to dinner w/ family and had a big, brown-sugared out sweet potato, prime rib and lots of bread and salad. Sunday was Steak N Shake, 'nuff  said there. The thing is, I didn't eat very much in between those meals. I never stay consistent with that. I will be good about eating breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the week and then that goes to heck on the weekends when all I want to do is eat yummy food with the family. Skipping meals is bad and it causes me to consume a days (plus, sometimes) worth of calories in one meal. This will be something I try to work on in the future.
I like the idea of eating on a schedule. This is a sample of what I would like to stick to:

8:30am-- granola bar and apple w/ peanut butter
10:00am--yogurt or pudding cup
3:00pm--snack (insert idea here)
6:00pm-- dinner
7:30pm- snack
NO FOOD AFTER 7:30pm is a must!!

Anyway, I was feeling pretty down about the food choices I made this weekend. I had a crazy and blah Monday at work and I came home to find a gift from a friend that really cheered me up. She put together a book of recipes, advice and a very sweet letter encouraging me to do this. She has done it herself over a steady period of time and really is a model for what I hope to do myself. It was very inspiring and thoughtful to have something like that. I was having a hard time getting my "notebook" together and this provided a start for me, which was something I needed. I'm terrible at starting anything and everything in my life.

Also, I went to the gym with my sister-in-law tonight and got a good 45 min cardio workout in. I always watch everyone on the weight machines while I'm on the eliptical and try to keep how they are doing the movements in my mind so I can go over and mimick them. That never happens. I do not want to look like an idiot, examining the charts on how to actually work the machines. I just stay away from the scary things. Every once in awhile I'll pick up the dumbbells and move them around like I know what I'm doing. Once again, I don't. No one there is looking at me and its completely dumb to think that they are. It's not about that as much as it is that I want to be working the "right" muscles and not hurting myself or just wasting my time. So, I'll be looking into online demonstrations and such, but I need to know what's right for a beginner. And when I say beginner, wow, do I mean it.

That's all for now. I'll be going to the gym again tomorrow and trying to step up the cardio a bit more :) 

1 comment:

  1. I hear what you are saying Ashley. I understand what you mean when you see all the weight machines and people doing exercises with free weights. I used to be pretty intimidated because I used such light weights when I started. I also know several people that are nervous about weight training.

    So here is my recommendation: many gyms have people that work there that will show you how to use many of the pieces of equipment (usually free). Not a personal trainer to take you through a workout, but someone that will show you how to use the equipment.

    I will see if I can find something for a good beginner workout for ya.

    Keep up all the good work!
